6Y9 | For God, for Country, and for the Planet (Redux): How Do Members of Our Class View Current Developments in Climate and Energy?

The challenging relationship between people and the planet has been one of the defining issues of the half century since we graduated. Nowhere has this issue been more fraught than on climate and energy. How do members of our view what is happening? This popular topic from our 50th Reunion will add new voices and share class survey results on climate change, plus the latest science and what we Boomers can do about the issues. We will hear from Derry Allen, Tom Emmons, Tom Guterbock, Skip Hobbs, Eugene Linden, and Wayne Willis.

Friday, May 31, 2024, 4:45 PM - 6:00 PM
Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona Hall, Room 114, 1 Prospect Street
Yale University
New Haven
New Haven CT 06520