'70 Turns 55: A Conversation Renewed

Thursday, May 29 - Sunday, June 1, 2025


Time, indeed, continues to quickly fly. Let’s reunite and resume our conversation. No time like the present. You are all invited to attend our 55th reunion, which starts Thursday afternoon, May 29, 2025, and will conclude on Sunday, June 1, 2025. Pierson College will be our home base, and much is being planned for us—

Time to gather, seeing again old friends and making new friends. That will be our priority.

 Sharing meals and libations.

 Touring the campus—much changed since 1970.

 Musical events and the many programs offered by the University as “Mornings at Yale.”

◈ Our own afternoon programs, led by members of our class, addressing some of the topics of concern to us, among them, the state of the University; an exploration of who we have become and how we view our past, present and future, as shown by a class survey; and more. And, as always, we will pause to reflect, remember and honor those of our class who have passed on.

 We hope that benches and other niches in Pierson College will allow groups to gather to share their experiences and explore the issues of today, both personal and public.

Is there a theme here? Of course—renewal of our collegiality and friendships. A looking back, and to our present and our future, and a chance to enjoy and support one another once again. To remind ourselves of the experiences and the gifts we have shared and to consider the gifts we still have to give to ourselves and those around us. We will reunite, renew, rediscover and, above all, enjoy great moments together.

We hope you will be present. Please, seriously consider attending. Encourage a friend or two to do the same. Touch base with teammates, fellow members of clubs or other organizations, singing groups, spookmates. Turn up the volume! Let’s kick out the jambs!

Plans are being made for a casual, “ice breaker” event on Thursday evening, May 29. Don’t miss it—our conversations will begin then and there. 

And remember that our class website has been upgraded and welcomes your input—comments, mini-essays, rants, sublime expressions of rapture and/or anxiety. The site will also afford us a place to post our thoughts in memory of our departed classmates. Updated information from YAA, including registration materials, will also be posted there. Log on at www.yale70.com.


Hotel blocks will be made available by area hotels on January 29, 2025 (more on that to be sent to you soon from YAA). Or stay in a room at Pierson, if you like. Some financial assistance is available, if that would facilitate travel to New Haven. The application period for aid will begin shortly before registration opens. Be on the lookout for more information and instructions on how to apply.

This is our chance to continue the conversation we began in 1966. No time like the present. Right? What are we waiting for? So, let’s do this!

The more, the merrier. The more, the more meaningful. Let’s gather again.

With our best regards,

Rich Bowen & David Poppel
Reunion Co-chairs

Randy Helm
Class Secretary

Ian Glenday
Class Treasurer